THIMUN’s Diary
Avidyarahma Paramitha, 1 SMA, 3 February 2006
I participated in THIMUN during 22-27 January 2006. Not I’m alone, but actually we participated in it. ‘We’ are SIN’s high school students. We represented UNEP. The delegation consisted of AJENG KINANTI in the General Assembly (GA) and also as the Head of Delegation, YOSEPHINE in the GA, I was in the ECOSOC, INDAH CAHYANI in the Disarmament Commission 2, VIRGINIA LAILI in the Environment Commission (EC) 1, and ARIF RAHMAN in the EC 2.
On 22 January
It’s Sunday but we had to register in the Congresgebouw (Congress Centre) in The Hague. I arrived there at 13.30 and I saw Mr. Iskandarsyah already queued. Then I met Mr. Gun and Mr. Wariso. After finishing the registration we waited for the others. After about 5 minutes Indah and Ajeng came and we started discussing about our preparation. We decided to walk around to see the rooms and to meet other delegations. After that Arif came and Mr. Iskandarsyah, Mr. Gun and Mr.Wariso went home. Then, Arif, Indah, Ajeng and I sat among other delegates to search for new friends from other delegations. And at 4 o’clock we decided to go home.
On 23 January
This was the first day for us. I came to Congresgebouw at 08.00 and it was still quiet because there were only few people there. I called Indah and she said that she was still in the tram. At 09.00 we had a briefing and decided to go to the ad hoc meetings. Indah and Jo couldn’t come because they had to pick up the video camera at Indah’s house. Mr. Iskandarsyah accompanied us to our rooms. I went to the ad hoc until just before the Opening Ceremony was about to start. Nia and I went inside the World Forum Theatre to watch the ceremony directly. Jo and Ajeng were already inside but Indah and Arif waited outside with Mr. Iskandarsyah. After that, we had lunch and went back to our rooms. We went home at 17.00
On 24 January
It was the second day of THIMUN. I came at 08.20 and found Arif was waiting outside the building. Arif and I went inside and waited the other but unfortunately Nia didn’t come because she was sick. After that we went to our rooms at 09.00. At 12.30 I went for lunch with Ajeng, Jo and Indah. Arif couldn’t have his lunch with us because he was having something to do. After lunch, Ajeng and Jo decided to go earlier to their rooms but Indah and I decided to sit on the stairs because we still had time. Then we met Arif. He had his lunch and at 13.15 I went back to my room. We went home at 16.00 together.
On 25 January
On the third day and I debated a lot on this day and that was awesome because a new friend from Germany taught me so much. At 12.00-12.15 we had a photo shoot. After that, we went back to our rooms and then we had lunch together before we went home at 5 o’clock.
On 26 January
This was the fourth day and I also debated some issues on this day. I learned about how to make amendments on this day. I had lunch at 12.30 and met Mr. Iskandarsyah at the first floor and he said that Arif already finished his lunch so I had lunch alone. I went back to my room at 13.15 and continued the debates until 4 o’clock. Then I met with Arif and we wait for the other. We also met Mr. Iskandarsyah. After that Indah, Jo and Ajeng decided to go home but Arif, Mr. Iskandarsyah and I decided to pay and get our official pictures.
On 27 January
This was the last day and I still had 4 resolutions to debate. I met with Nia and then with Jo, Indah, Ajeng and Arif. I went to my room earlier because ECOSOC had to start earlier. I went to have lunch with Arif, Nia, Indah and Ajeng. After finishing our lunch we went to our rooms again and we finished at 4 o’clock. Then there was a Closing Ceremony. Ajeng and Jo were already inside the WFT but Indah, Nia, Arif and I couldn’t come in because the balcony was already full. So Nia and Indah decided to go outside and Arif and I decided to watch the ceremony from the television. After that we took a photograph outside the Congresgebouw. We went home at 17.30 and we had to be ready for the dance party at 20.00.