Wassenaar Campus — SI Wassenaar wrapped up the first round of the national final examination try-out on 23 February 2012 for Junior High School (JHS) and on 24 February 2012 for the Senior High School (SHS). This try-out began on Monday, 20 February 2012, which was taken by 4 JHS and 6 SHS students. The result will be sent to the respective parents and guardians next week.
10/03/2012 @ 11:42 am
Bagi para siswa yang akan menghadapi Try Out ke-2, Senin, 12-03-2012 mendatang akan menghasilkan nilai yang menjanjikan .Pesan ini saya sampaikan untuk para siswa kelas 3 SMP dan 3 SMA SIN Wassenaar.Good lux.