The Day that I Won’t Forget
Avidyarahma Paramitha, 1 SMA
I don’t have any idea to tell something for this essay but maybe I will tell something about the day that I won’t forget at SIN and that is my first day at the school.
I arrived at the Kerkerhout bus-shelter at 08.30, and I was really nervous at that time. But when I wanted to cross the street somebody said ‘hello’ to me and my brother and fortunately his name is Ando and again coincidentally he is my classmate and after that I met with Indah and she also my classmate and then I met with Jo, Mira, Lieke, Nia and Ajeng. At 08.45 we had to stand in line and hear someone of us to deliver an English speech in front of us and at that day was Ajeng’s turn. After that they invited me and my brother to introduce ourselves in front of other students. And then, when we finished, we went back to our class and started to learn.
At the break I met with Tasya and after that we always did something together. Although in here there are fewer friends compared to my previous school but everyone was so nice to me and it was really make me comfortable to study in here…thx.